Barbara Pinguely, President

Marie-Christine Jaeger-Firmenich, Vice-President
Executive Committee

Dr. med. vet. Linda Hornisberger, Managing Director
Veterinarian, additional training in cognitive behavioural medicine,
Leading Dog Trainer works since 1974 with her own dogs. Since 1984 active at REDOG and operational with six dogs in national and international missions

Dr Adee Schoon, External Scientific Consultant
Doctorate in Animal Behaviour and Forensic Science.
Owner of the Animal Detection Society with mission to use, improve
and expand the olfactory detection capabilities of animal/handled teams
through focused research, training and advice, primarily in the field of
human security and welfare.

Réjane Zumbrunnen, Bachelor of Science Social Work, Policewoman, Dog Trainer
works with dogs since 1997, referee at the Swiss Dogs Association SKG, owner of the Dog Training School “Abenteuer Hund”, since 2020 active at REDOG with a cadaver search dog